Agnelle Bundervoët plays Bach Concerto D Minor


A December 8, 1962 broadcast performance of fabled pianist Agnelle Bundervoët playing Bach's Concerto in D Minor with the Orchestre de chambre de la RTF. • Bundervoët only recorded a handful of LPs that are highly prized by collectors - a Bach 10-inch vinyl for Ducretet Thomson (awarded the Grand Prix du Disque) and three for French Decca - and would retire from concert performance due to her rheumatoid arthritis. She would, however, occasionally give broadcast performances (there is a Gaspard that is utterly magnificent) and this rare concerto recording is among them. • Bundervoët's wonderfully clean and consistent articulation, transparent textures, and fluid phrasing make for a most satisfying reading - there is a dramatic ritardando in the first movement that in other hands might appear too bold but in this case it is wonderfully achieved. A vibrant, insightful, and terrifically musical performance by a figure primarily known to her wealth of students and connoisseurs of rare early LPs. • Released on a highly-recommended limited edition CD that now appears to be out of print: • • If you wish to support The Piano Files, please consider membership at my Patreon page:   / thepianofiles  


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