I Got Admin in TDS
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=YJ6rQP-z9bI
In this video I review/talk about the good and the bad with the new Admin Mode that was recently added to TDS. You can do a lot of wacky stuff with it, you can completely break the game, but it also has some problems... Ominous line in the description to try to get you to watch longer... • #TDS #sandboxmode #admincommands • Most music is from Epidemic sound. • Some music from Qumu: @qumumusic Complete playlist: • Qumu Playlist • Other notes that I didn't put in the video: • -Farmlands map is not there which sucks cause I love that map :( • -Patient Zero boss is not available in enemy panel either, I didn't notice until editing cause I never really think about Patient Zero, I assume there's a bunch of other missing maps and zombies I didn't notice • -I showed a brief clip of it but there should absolutely be a button to disable boss health bars, as it is they really clutter up the screen • -One of the two Lunar Overture maps I was talking about got removed during editing which is why the clip I used is just me walking around and not freecam • -Having to grind logbooks to be able to spawn event enemies makes zero sense, they should automatically be unlocked if you buy the gamepass • -I'm forgetting the other stuff so I'll leave it at this