Cypris TBC PvP 20
Cypris, pvp, tbc, world pvp, wow, world of warcraft, dreadnaught, prot, arms, fury, the burning crusade, classic, classic era, rank 14, scarab lord, Thunderfury, lvl 60, lvl 70, level, warrior, rogue, hunter, warlock, druid, mage, priest, open world, paladin, eots, Eye of the storm, level 70, orc, night elf, arena, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, ranked, battleground, legendary, og, skilled, swifty, hand of ragnaros, might of menethil, gorehowl, S1, tier 4, trinket, skettis, The luker below, ssc, tk, serpent shire caverns, raid, 70