BobBlast 229 quotAcrylic Gesso on Watercolor Paperquot
BobBlast #229 • Gesso on Watercolor Paper • Welcome Back to Another BobBlast • This video is a demonstration about why and how I gesso my 300 lb watercolor paper. • I paint as much as possible - acrylic paint on canvas and watercolor paper. When I travel, I paint on watercolor paper. When I'm in my studio, I prefer acrylic paint on canvas. • For me, when I paint with acrylic, I prefer the paint to respond and react the same, no matter what the substrate is. As long as I paint on a gessoed surface, the paint will respond practically the same - paper or canvas... practically the same! • So again, all my paint surfaces are gessoed before I begin painting. • Gesso - I prefer a high-quality, professional gesso like Utrecht Gesso. There are many others, but this is what I prefer. • As you can see in the video demonstration, I trowel the gesso all over the surface with a discarded strip of foamboard and, used as a trowel, allows for a quick application of a thin coat of gesso over the entire surface. The trowel is discarded and the gessoed surface should be dry after a few hours. • I have found I really enjoy painting on 300 lb watercolor paper - my favorites are Cheap Joe's Kilimanjaro and Fabriano Artistico. I gesso only one side before painting. • I don't always paint on paper, but when I do... • Thanks again for watching and telling your friends! All my BobBlasts are archived on my website and my YouTube Channel. We post new studio tips weekly that offer real content, substance and useful techniques that work for me. And they're free! We appreciate your interest, questions, comments and support!