Triceratops Project Unreal Engine Ziva Dynamics Rigging Animation TPaulino


The Triceratops Project is a partnership piece between the Sr. Creature TD - Thiago Paulino and the brilliant Sr. Creature Artist - Antoine Verney-Carron. • ==|| Techniques ||== • [ Stage 1. Rigging ] • After getting the model, I used mGear as the Rigging Framework and ngSkinnTools for weight painting. • [ Stage2. Animation ] • The Trot Animation Cycle was created in Autodesk Maya, using references from Hypopotamus and Rhinoceros. It was not meant to be correct, but to look good and dynamic. According to the anatomical constraints, the Triceratops would not be able to trop. • [ Stage 3. Ziva Dynamics Setup ] • The Ziva Dynamics muscle setup was transferred from the Ziva Asset - Zeke the Lion. To perform the transfer I had to use Wrap3D to re-shape the Base Mesh. • The simulation and caching were then performed in the following stages: 1. Bones, 2. Muscles, 3. Fat, 4. Skin • [ Stage 4. Unreal Engine ] • After generating the Alembic(.ABC) cache files for each stage, they were then ported into Unreal Engine. The shaders were rebuilt using the maps provided by Antoine. • Rendering involved the following steps: 1. Shading - 2. Lighting - 3. Scene Elements Setup - 4. Camera Animation - 5. Scene Animation - 6. Sequences Setup - 7. Rendering • Each Mesh (Render Mesh, Muscles, Grey Mesh) was rendered separately and combined with video editing. • • ==|| Credits ||== • [ Thiago Paulino ] : • Rigging • Trot Cycle Animation • Ziva Setup Sim • Unreal Engine Lookdev • Unreal Engine Lighting • Unreal Engine Render • [ Antoine Verney-Carronr ] : • Concept Design • Modeling • Texturing. • • All feedback is always welcome!! Please give us the hard truths 😂 Let's take the opportunity to learn and improve. • Have a good one, my friends :) • #ziva #zivadynamics #musclesimulation #dinosaur #triceratops #autodeskmaya #unrealengine #unrealengine5 #realtime #3danimation #visualeffects #vfx #vfxartist #vfxbreakdown #vfxbreakdownanimation


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