Jam Jar Jet Making A REAL Jet with Alcohol and a Jar
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=YM2fM0Od5I0
SUBSCRIBE!: http://bit.ly/1G97GmA • SHARE THIS VIDEO: • Jam Jar Jet - Making A REAL Jet with ... • We made a real jet with a JAM JAR!!! At first we tried this with a mason jar, and it worked okay, then we tried it with a real jam jar and it worked MUCH better! This mechanism is essentially making a pulse jet with a jar. The alcohol (99% methanol) mixes with the air creating alcohol gas. The little hole at the top lets in oxygen. When you light right above the hole the gas ignites, sucks in more air, and ignites again… this is a pulse jet! We put ice water at the bottom of the jar in order to create more of a vacuum. • To do this at home (wear appropriate eye protection and only do this with the supervision of an adult) • 1) find a mason jar or a jar about the size of a pickle jar • 2) drill a hole in the top about ¼ inch or 1 cm • 3) fill the bottom with just a little bit of pure alcohol (we used 99% methanol, but RC car fuel works really well too) • 4) light the top and try not to pee everywhere because the jet is startling and strangely super loud • 5) watch your jet jar in action! • • Follow Nickipedia • Twitter: / nickuhas • Instagram: / nickuhas • Facebook: / uhasbrand • Nickipedia Website: http://www.nickipedia.com • Production Team: • Writer/Producer: Nick Uhas • Editor: Griffin Lewis • DP: Sam Mosco • Sources: • http://makezine.com/projects/make-05/... • http://www.instructables.com/id/Be-an... • http://visihow.com/Make_a_pulse_jet_e...