How To Prime and Restart an Oil Heater After Oil Is Empty
Subscribe to Eric DIY: • Become a Patron of the Eric DIY Channel on Patreon: / ericdiy • Buy the SJCAM SJ7 STAR camera that I use to record my videos in 4K here: • While waiting for an oil delivery, it happened....oil tank went to empty. In this video, I show you how to use diesel fuel (which is a perfect substitute for home heating oil (it's basically the same)) and how to prime and get your oil burner working again while waiting for the bigger shipment. Some oil companies charge money to prime your oil burner but you can see how easy it is to do it yourself in this video. I lead you through all the steps to make it happen. • DISCLAIMER: • This video is being performed by a home owner/DIY person. Any attempt to repair oil burner systems and/or parts carries risk of personal injury. Always adhere and follow safe practices when working on home heating equipment. No guarantee or warranty is implied. Use the information in this video at your own risk. If you don't think you can perform the job then be smart, don't do it, and hire a professional.