LEGO Star Wars Zombies The Virus
Hey guys, this is everything I've got for my animation: LEGO Star Wars Zombies. It's not 100% done, and probably will never be, but a bit more done than a WIP. I'm really happy with how it turned out, it's my best animation yet! But sadly I likely won't be able to finish it. Due to the situation in my country (electricity is only on between 11pm and 5 am) and other reasons this will probably be my last animation posted to this channel. Youtube is not a platform designed for these kind of videos unless it is taken as a full time job, which is something I've decided not to do. • Update (Jan 2020): With the new for kids controversy, YouTube looks like its even less suitable for animations with LEGO, so very sadly I am not coming back :( • SOUNDCLOUD: / damian-lgames • TWITTER: / eatmybricks • CONTACT: [email protected]