👂 Noise Cancelling Earplugs Review

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=YNK4Wc3-Ij4

Testing out the theory of opposite soundwaves • EDIT: A number of people have commented that this is fake and that no sound is being played 1:00 in. It's true that no sound is coming out of your speakers, but it's not fake. Allow me to explain... • The audio files that play at 0:43 and 0:50 are exact opposites of each other. Those same audio files were both attached to the video project at the 1:00 mark in the video editing software that I used. Because they both started at the exact same moment, the computer analyzed the two audio files and determined that combined, they should produce no sound. Therefore, when I exported the video project as a movie file, it had the same effect as if I hadn't attached either audio file in the first place. • I hope this clears up the inadequate explanation I provided in the video itself.


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