Autoradiography Application
Autoradiography as a Simple and Powerful Method for Visualization and Characterization of Pharmacological Targets - Experimental Protocol • Watch the full video at, no sign up needed for open access content, or request a trial to get instant access to our full library. • The method of autoradiography is routinely used to study binding of radioligands to tissue sections for determination of qualitative or quantitative pharmacology. • Visit to explore our entire library of 14,000+ videos of laboratory methods and science concepts. • JoVE is the world-leading producer and provider of science videos with the mission to improve scientific research and education. Millions of scientists, educators, and students at 1500+ institutions worldwide, including schools like Harvard and the University of Cambridge, benefit from using JoVE’s extensive library of 14000 videos in their research and teaching. • Follow JoVE on Twitter: / jovejournal • Like JoVE on Facebook: / jovejournal • Subscribe to our channel: / jovejournalofvisualizedexperiments