Mr Sardonicus Welcome To The Basement


Check out our website! Donate to support the show! • • Like us on facebook:   / welcome-to-the-basement-226001140809870   • As they say, laugh and the world laughs with you. Dig up your father's grave and you end up looking like Mr. Sardonicus. It's not as popular a saying, but nevertheless you should join us on the old leather couch for this William Castle scare-fest -- the first entry in our Salute to B-movies . • In Seen It, we talk about a few more Oscar noms: heroic pilots, troubled first ladies and bank-robbin' brothers. • SEASON 5 •    • Welcome To The Basement Season 5   • SEASON 4: •    • Welcome To The Basement Season 4   • SEASON 3: •    • Welcome To The Basement Season 3   • SEASON 2: •    • Welcome To The Basement Season 2   • SEASON 1: •    • Welcome to the Basement Season 1   • Our TV Tropes page: • • All film footage is used in accordance with fair use and US copyright law. All music in the show is used with full permission of the composer. • Thanks for all the great comments. Keep em coming! If you watch one of the movies we discuss, let us know what you thought of it. • Welcome To The Basement is a show about watching, discussing and having fun with movies. Matt choses the movie and Craig doesn't know what it is until the cameras start rolling, so none of the discussion or riffing is planned ahead of time. • Movie announced on facebook before every new episode. Get the movie and follow along. We do discuss the entire movie, including the ending, so if you want to avoid spoilers, watch the movie first.


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