Photoelasticity vs Photostress


For testing various full-field, live-load conditions, our PhotoStress® Technology stress analysis method is your ultimate tool. • Determine stress and strain with a visual method employing photoelastic materials under polarized light. On your test surface, a colored fringe pattern appears, providing visual evidence of the magnitude and direction of strain at any point. In this PhotoStress® method, a coating of photoelastic material is applied to the test surface (a variety of photoelastic coatings are available for application on simple or complex shapes in a wide range of materials, including metal, composite, and concrete). Strain and stress are transmitted to the photoelastic coating on the product’s surface. • PhotoStress® is a widely used full-field technique for accurately measuring surface strains to determine the stresses in a part or structure during static or dynamic testing. With the PhotoStress method, a special strain-sensitive plastic coating is first bonded to the test part. Then, as test or service loads are applied to the part, the coating is illuminated by polarized light from a reflection polariscope. When viewed through the polariscope, the coating displays the strains in a colorful, informative pattern which immediately reveals the overall strain distribution and pinpoints highly strain areas. With an optical transducer (compensator) attached to the polariscope, quantitative stress analysis can be quickly and easily performed. Permanent records of the overall strain distribution can be made by photography or by video recording. • Micro-Measurements: • Advanced Sensors Technology: • StrainTalks™ seminar: • StrainBond™? • StrainBlog:


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