A better description of resonance
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What is tempo and how do I read tempo markings in music? This music theory lesson gives the music definition of tempo (the speed of the music) and shows how to work out the tempo when reading sheet music. • The following music tempo terms are covered: • adagio - slow tempo • andante - walking pace • moderato - moderate tempo • allegro - fast tempo • presto - very fast tempo • The music theory lesson also discusses the use of beats per minute (bpm) tempo metronome markings, which are increasingly used in contemporary sheet music scores. • Changes in tempo are also discussed, including the following terms: • Rallentando (rall.) - get slower • Ritardando (rit.) - get slower • Accelerando (accel.) - get quicker • a tempo - return to original tempo • Some examples of tempo markings in pieces of music are given. • More examples of tempo markings can be found at https://www.musictheoryacademy.com/ho...