Setup 4 Impact® Golf Swing Kirks 5 Most Important Tips
Single Plane golf swing video. Giving you my 5 top Tips for getting a quick start learning My Setup 4 Impact golf method. My goal for my customers is the Fastest improvement possible. This is only possible when customizing the single plane concept to fit each individual. I see many people trying to copy other players like Moe Norman, or Bryson DeChambeau only to get worse at the game. Many are told that if they practice trying to copy them that after six months or a year it will all be worth while. That is in 95% of the case dead wrong. I have witnessed this over 25 years of teaching this Single Plane concept. My Setup 4 Impact method succeeds where the others have failed simply because my learning system takes into account that each of us have had different experiences at golf over the years and when we wish to improve we want to improve quickly. Not work at it for years in the hope of one day being great. • Membership on lets you send me videos of your swing so that I can customize this simple concept to make learning even faster. I have a complete learning program on the website that you will not find here on Youtube, and am adding content regularly for members. You can even participate in live sessions with me. • As the number 1 Single Plane golf instructor I have over 30 years experience in helping people improve their golf swings as quickly as possible. Nobody wants to work on the swing for a year without improving, but that is what I often see people doing. Setup closer to where you will be at impact and improve quickly following my easy to follow Setup 4 Impact learning program. This is by far the most successful Single Plane golf swing ever developed. • Kirk has taught golf for 33 years now. That includes many years of conventional golf and now almost 25 years teaching the Single Plane Golf swing. He taught for many years for Natural Golf Corporation, Single Axis golf, and the Moe Norman Single plane golf swing for Todd Graves and the Graves Golf Academy. He currently teaches his Single Plane Setup 4 Impact swing which has many similarities to all of the above. The big difference is that Kirk fits the swing to each individual golfer. • Kirk Junge currently teaches Single Plane golf fulltime in West Palm Beach, Florida in the Winter months, Cincinnati, Ohio a couple times per year. Other locations include Stockton, California, and Sanford NC. • •