ByakuSharingan Explained
ByakuSharingan Explained / SharinByakugan Explained • Just a minor note I forgot to mention in the video, I'm aware that Kishimoto stated in one of the data books that a child of a byakugan and a sharingan user would probably have both but I feel like that could all change due to fan interference and outside speculation. Many times, manga creators have been known to make noncanon ideas canon. Overall I'm pretty hyped if they decide to take this route. • Would you guys want to see a byakusharingan in the future for the Boruto franchise or would you rather see someone with one sharingan and one byakugan. Also somethings I forgot to mention is that we've seen other people have two kekkei genkai such as Mei so it's possible. Also the second punnet square from Sasuke should be a double capital DD but the rest is correct. Be sure to let me know what you think down below after subscribing of course.😉 • #byakusharingan #naruto #dojutsu