Thrush Spooky2 Rife Frequencies


Learn more Spooky2 RIfe Frequencies: • Thrush • Candidiasis, usually oral, with white or light brown tongue coating, or vaginal (see programs). Also see Stomatitis programs. • Thrush - Candida albicans (yeast) • • Thrush - children and adults. Certain germs normally live in our bodies. These include bacteria and fungi. While most germs are harmless, some can cause infection under certain conditions. Thrush occurs in children and adults when conditions permit too much growth of a fungus called candida in your mouth. A small amount of this fungus normally lives in your mouth. It is most often kept in check by your immune system and other germs that also live in your mouth. When your immune system is weak or when normal bacteria die, too much of the fungus can grow. You are more likely to get thrush if: You are in poor health. You are very old. Young babies are also more likely to develop thrush. You have HIV or AIDS. You are receiving chemotherapy or drugs that weaken the immune system. You are taking steroid medicine, including some inhalers for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). You have diabetes mellitus and your blood sugar is high. When your blood sugar is high, some of the extra sugar is found in your saliva and acts as food for candida. You take antibiotics. Antibiotics kill some of the healthy bacteria that keep candida from growing too much. Your dentures do not fit well. Candida can also cause yeast infections in the vagina. Thrush in newborns is somewhat common and easy to treat. • Symptoms of thrush include: White, velvety sores in the mouth and on the tongue Some bleeding when you brush your teeth or scrape the sores Pain when swallowing. • • We are very happy to announce that the Spooky2 audio files are being upgraded, making them significantly better than before, and unrivalled elsewhere. The benefits are obvious: • 1. True stereo, high sample-rate sound quality, with zero audio loss and astounding clarity. • 2. Multiple frequencies broadcast simultaneously, producing beautiful, healing music. Unnatural tones are ancient by comparison. • 3. Run-time is 20 minutes now, making them more effective and convenient. • 4. Free for personal use. Because we care. • Spread the love. Tell your friends about the exciting new Spooky2 programs, and please give feedback. Together, we can make a difference!


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