(16 Jun 2000) Serbo-Croat/Nat • Vuk Draskovic, the Serbian opposition leader, has spoken to reporters after he was shot and wounded by unknown assailants. • He recounted how the assailant shot him through an open window at his vacation home in Budva, Montenegro. • Draskovic, who is an outspoken opponent of Slobodan Milosevic's regime, said he believed the Yugoslav president was behind the attack. • Serbian opposition leader Vuk Draskovic was slightly wounded when gunmen attacked him at his weekend home in Budva, a coastal town in Montenegro where Draskovic had been taking a vacation for two days. • The attackers sprayed automatic weapon fire through this window - which was open at the time - just before midnight on Thursday. • Draskovic's head was grazed by two bullets during the incident and he was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment and later released. • On Friday he said he believed that the Yugoslav President, Slobodan Milosevic, was behind the attack. • SOUNDBITE: (Serbian) • I'm completely sure that this has been organized by Serbian secret service, and I'm sure that the renewed decision to seek my liquidation cannot be brought by anyone else beside people who run this country - and the country is run by Slobodan Milosevic and his wife. • SUPER CAPTION: Vuk Draskovic, Serbian Opposition Leader • He said Serbia was run by terrorists. • SOUNDBITE: (Serbian) • Serbia is a terrorist country. They turned this country (Serbia) into a concentration camp. This is a country of anarchy which doesn't have any judicial system. The situation is worse then it was up to the war in 1946. Serbia is the cancer of the Balkans. • SUPER CAPTION: Vuk Draskovic, Serbian Opposition Leader • Draskovic's wife, Danica, says Serbia is trying to pin the blame for the attack on Montenegro, the western-leaning junior partner in the Yugoslav federation. • SOUNDBITE: (Serbian) • Question: Do you think same people that tried to kill you and your husband tried to do the same again? And why in Montenegro? • Answer: I think they want to blame it on the Montenegrin authorities. • SUPER CAPTION: Danica Draskovic, Wife of Vuk Draskovic • Draskovic claims this is not the first attempt on his life. • He survived a road accident last October in which three members of his party were killed. • At the time Draskovic called the incident an assassination attempt. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter:   / ap_archive   • Facebook:   / aparchives   ​​ • Instagram:   / apnews   • • • You can license this story through AP Archive:


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