making a squishy out of a DISH SPONGE
Hey lovelies!! welcome back to my channel so today i thought i would make a squishy out of a dish sponge! its been a while since ive done something like this but, i know more of you are likely to have dish sponges than you are a big block of memory foam so i figured, i'd try my best to give you a little inspiration using something else! • the things i used for this DIY were: • dish sponge • puffy paint - tulip • pva glue and white acrylic • tulip slick paint - brown for chocolate • fabri-tac glue • scissors • needle for detail work • Thank you so much for watching today! • If you have any questions, or requests then please feel free to comment them in the section below, i will try my very best to reply to you! Remember: stay home stay safe! • See you next time! XOXO CHELSEY • INSTAGRAM: / chelseydiy