The worlds fastest boat in 1920 Alexander Graham Bells hydrodrome


This footage from the National Geographic Archives highlights the Society's early role in feats of flight: Alexander Graham Bell, the National Geographic Society’s second president and a member of its board of trustees, experimented with aerial locomotion. With aviation pioneer F.W. Baldwin, he developed a high-speed boat using hydroplane technology. The boats, or “hydrodromes” as they called them, achieved a top speed of 70 miles per hour, becoming the fastest boats in the world at that time. • WHO WE ARE • The National Geographic Society is an impact-driven global nonprofit organization that pushes the boundaries of exploration, furthering understanding of our world and empowering us all to generate solutions for a healthy, more sustainable future for generations to come. Our ultimate vision: a planet in balance. • MORE VIDEOS FOR YOU • Richard E. Byrd's second trip to the Antarctic, 1935 •    • Richard E. Byrd's second trip to the ...   • WHERE TO FIND US • On YouTube:    / insidenatgeo   • On Facebook:   / insidenatgeo   • On Twitter:   / insidenatgeo   • On Instagram:   / insidenatgeo  


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