Neighbours at War Unboxing
Here's some behind the scenes news about Neighbours at War (Neighbors at War) about the inspiration behind my new historical novel coming out in e-book 31 May and paperback 6 June (UK) and 24 Sept (US). • Discover the woman who inspired my story told to me by her son, now in his eighties. There's much more information about my family members' homes used in the story and other facts about real life people who lived in them during the Jersey Occupation from 1 July 1940 - 9 May 1945' • S U B S C R I B E H E R E * • • If you want to subscribe and receive the free Beautiful Faces novella, subscribe here: • • WHO AM I? * • My name is Deborah Carr and I am a USA TODAY bestselling author of historical fiction for HarperCollins One More Chapter division. I live on the island of Jersey in the Channel Islands. My latest book The Poppy Sisters was an Amazon First Reads in August 2023. • My next book Neighbours (Neighbors) at War set during the Occupation of Jersey when the island was occupied by the Nazi forces from 1940-1945 is out in May 2024 and now available for pre-order: • Amazon UK: • Amazon US/Canada: • Barnes Noble: • I also write romcoms for Indie Publisher of the Year, Boldwood Books in the name of Georgina Troy. • W E B S I T E * • Find all my books and read my blog posts at • Get your free Beautiful Faces novella (the prequel to Broken Faces) when you sign up for my newsletter. • Please *SUBSCRIBE to receive an alert each time I post a video. • #NewBook #inspiration #Realstories #booktube #NeighborsatWar #NeighboursatWar #authortube