Character Creation Overhaul mod for Skyrim v130


Download from Skyrim Nexus: • Download from Steam Workshop: • Character Creation Overhaul finally brings back birthsigns, classes, specializations, favored attributes, and major/minor skills to Skyrim. No more boring cookie-cutter characters--Choice matters again! Whereas vanilla Skyrim only provided you with 10 options for starting characters (excluding customizing their appearance), Character Creation Overhaul allows for 229,320 unique character combinations! Best of all, CCO is built for maximum compatibility with other mods (i.e. Skyrim Redone, ACE Comprehensive Enhancements, Alternate Start - Live Another Life) and works with new characters and existing characters alike. Best of all, CCO is built for maximum compatibility with other mods (i.e. Skyrim Redone, ACE Comprehensive Enhancements, Alternate Start - Live Another Life) and works with new characters and existing characters alike. Here are the features of this mod: • Diverse Races and Genders (Optional): • ------------------------------------- • Vanilla Skyrim allowed any starting character, regardless of race or gender, to excel at virtually anything, taking out the fun, strategy, and role-playing aspects of previous Elder Scrolls games from the overall Skyrim experience. CCO makes races and genders diverse again, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, so that each play through will be noticeably different. For example, a male Orc will have more starting health and carrying capacity than a female High Elf, but the High Elf will have significantly more magicka. Starting health, magicka, stamina, and carry weight have all been carefully and formulaically derived from each race/gender's traditional attributes (e.g. Strength, Endurance, Intelligence, etc.) and then adjusted for balance in Skyrim. Additionally, (like in the previous Elder Scrolls game) all races' skills will start at level 5 before racial bonuses are applied. See the CCO Races chart for specifics. See the CCO Races chart for specifics. • Birthsigns: • ----------- • Choose the constellation (standing stone) you were born under when you create your character, just like in previous Elder Scrolls games. Optionally, you can choose to be born without a birthsign or change your standing stone later. • Traditional Class System: • ------------------------- • All 21 classes from Oblivion make a comeback in Skyrim--from the charming and stealthy Agent to the Heavy-Armor-wearing Sorcerer there's a class to suit every play style. Each class has its own specialization, favored attribute, and major skills. Very little liberty has been taken in translating the class system into Skyrim and only a few differences exist for the sake of continuity and balance: • 1. Oblivion had 21 unique skills and allowed players to choose 7 of them as major skills. Skyrim only has 18 unique skills and thus only 6 can be chosen as major skills. • 2. Oblivion allowed players to choose 2 favored attributes from Agility, Endurance, Intelligence, Luck, Personality, Speed, Strength, and Willpower. Since these base attributes no longer exist in Skyrim CCO allows you to choose 1 favored attribute from Health, Magicka, and Stamina. • 3. Preset classes have been carefully modified as faithfully as possible to compensate for the lessened amount of skills and attributes. • See the CCO Classes chart for full details. • Custom Class Creation: • ---------------------- • You can even create your own custom class and choose your own specialization, favored attribute and major skills. Each choice effects your character's starting skills and (optionally) their skill progression rates. • Dynamic Skill Progression (Optional): • ------------------------------------- • Specialized skills in previous Elder Scrolls games progressed faster than non-specialized skills. In Skyrim, all skills progress at the same rate, making each character more adaptable, but also no different from any other character. CCO brings dynamic skill progression to Skyrim and improves upon it by having specialized skills, racial skills, and major skills all easier to learn (to varying degrees) while making untrained skills harder to learn. This feature is highly recommended but can be optionally disabled in-game.


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