The Taxpayers The Business Man


Track 10 of 14 off the album God, Forgive These Bastards Songs From The Forgotten Life Of Henry Turner • Full Album: •    • The Taxpayers |  God, Forgive These B...   • Lyrics: • God, it never got easy, but it sure got good when the business man came to my adopted neighborhood. There was a bird I named Frank, a chapel, a steeple, and a pile of blankets outside of Trinity Cathedral. Every weekday morning he would walk right by with a three piece suit, new shoes, and a tie. And this dead face, real hate in his eyes. In such a devilish way he would materialize. He was put there to rob from men like me – from the broken down scoundrels that live on the street. So I prepared for his initial attack; I said to myself, “Henry, you gotta watch your own back. You wanna make it outta here alive, you better learn to improvise.” So there we were: one morning at dawn, he appeared at the church with the cold autumn fog, briefcase in hand, walking towards me. So I jumped from my blankets and sunk my teeth right into his ear and ripped it right off. Blood poured down onto his luxury watch. He ran away and I went back to sleep, and when the cops arrived, man, I was relieved. • I said, “Thank god y'all are here. This bastard in a business suit just tried to rob me. And you know what? I think he might have been the devil.”


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