Balance Druid Overview in the Wotlk Pre Patch
Went back to Hyjal for the first raid in the Pre Patch, and it was AMAZING! All the AoE trash Packs with Starfall and Hurricane without a CD, felt like how it should have been all through TBC! After making quick work of Archimonde, we went and did a full BT clear, and myself and the other Boomie in the raid we top two DPS on almost every single fight! Have you raided yet? How did you do?! • 00:00 - Intro • 00:30 - Hyjal DPS • 01:35 - BT DPS • 03:22 - Current Pre Patch Gear • 05:50 - Talents/Glyphs • 07:30 - Sunwell DPS • 09:06 - Rotation • Gear/Talents/Glyphs • • Logs • • Vod of the raids starts at 4:28:38 for Hyjal • • Pre Patch Balance Druid