Sealing up the WnW Lost Ark Gotha UWD WW1 Seaplane bomber 132 Review
'A Tale of Two Gothas!' • Today we savour the lovely goodness of this MASSIVE WW1 SEAPLANE bomber kit from Wingnut Wings... • At the end, I also show these kits going back into my stash... • ... To build or not to build...that, is the question! (NOT to build, of course!) 😳 -Hamlet. • Once more unto the breech dear friends, once more! -Henry V. • Our Revells now are ended! (-And our Kinetics!) -The Tempest. • (THIS IS OUR FINAL WNW Shakespeare episode)...😩😥😭 • For more similar content, please check out my channel: / @peter-oxley-modelling-lab • Please Like, share, comment subscribe!