How to Prepare a TED Talk Speech
Learn how to prepare a TED Talk speech in this week's episode of MasterTalk. Follow me on Instagram: @masteryourtalk • 1. Every second in your 18-minute presentation needs to be worked on until it’s perfect. • For most TED talks, you have up to 18 minutes to land it perfectly and this format of presenting is an interesting reminder that less is more. The analogy I like to use here is that every second in your presentation is like a drop of water in a cup that you haven’t had in a week. So, if you haven’t had water to drink for a full week, you want every drop in that cup to count. • This is how I would think about structuring a TED talk to get you started, 90 seconds for the introduction, 90 seconds for the conclusion and 13-15 minutes of content. That way, you can start by focusing on perfecting the start and the end before tackling the biggest part of the puzzle which is the core message and thesis that you would like to share with the world. • Bottom line though is you’ll want to time everything perfectly from the introduction to the content to the conclusion so that when it’s game time, you’ve already given the talk 100’s of times so that it always finishes exactly on the 18 minute mark or earlier depending on how much time they give you. This is how to prepare a TED talk speech the right way. • 2. You must figure out the 1 IDEA worth sharing if you want your presentation to stick (2:24). • The best way to summarize a TED talk would be as follows, you have up to 18 minutes to present your life’s work and not a second more. The question that we need to tackle when building a speech for TED is what are we going to say in these 18 minutes that could change someone’s life in one form or another? And the answer to that question, is to figure out what the key idea is, which can be solved though this exercise. • If this was your last presentation ever, and your audience only remembered one sentence from your deck, what would you like that sentence to be? They won’t remember your name, your title, your accomplishments, the only thing they’ll keep in their hearts and minds is that sentence, which is otherwise known as the key idea. • From that idea whether it’s mine that public speaking is a skill that anyone can learn to learning how to cook is a useful skill to exercise and eating right is the way to go, now the last question we need to ponder is how can we BEST defend that key idea in 15 minutes or less? • What tool in your toolbox do you want to use? Choose many of them to start and keep trying each one until you’ve found the one that drives it home. Leverage the toolbox to learn how to prepare a TED talk speech. • 3. If you’re serious about being a TED speaker, you should prepare years in advance (4:45). • TED is a great opportunity for you and one that doesn’t come everyday, so once you’ve made the decision to get on that stage in the future, you should already be practising for it. Don’t wait until you get the official invitation from your local TEDx stage to prepare, you will not have enough time to deliver something that will last forever, which is my goal and expectation from you. Instead, before you even apply for being a TEDx speaker, the speech should already be done and perfected to its core so that when you’re called to present it in 3-6 months time, you’re just refining it so you dazzle everyone when it’s game time. • The best speakers in the world, whether they choose to present at TED or not, give the same talk 100’s of times, that’s how they become world class, I’ve personally given one of my keynotes over 300 times now, so you need to get into the habit of repeating until it hurts and good news, if you just don’t want to present it more than 25 times, you probably just picked the wrong topic, so it’s good to know that now rather than later since you rarely get a second chance for a TED talk. This is the key to prepare for a TED talk speech. • As always, if you enjoyed this week’s episode of MasterTalk, be sure to SMASH the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel as well to see more videos like this and if you know one person that has an idea worth sharing, send them this video so that they’ll be one step closer to leading us towards a brighter future. • For business or one-on-one public speaking coaching inquiries, you can reach me at [email protected]. • Special thanks to Maison Leporem for letting me use the space. •