Live Smart Live Gamuda Cove


A green and sustainable future is within our hands. • Gamuda Cove is taking initiative with an Are You Smart Campaign, which aims to spread ways on how to live more sustainably. • A thoughtfully crafted township that follows three important tenets: smart design, smart restoration, and smart seamless connectivity. With these in mind, Gamuda Cove is taking steps to create a green sanctuary. • By designing homes that mindfully blend with nature, invites biodiversity back to the land, and by prioritizing bicycles instead of cars, Gamuda Cove is creating a more seamless and more sustainable way of connectivity. • With these few steps, Gamuda Cove helps to create a more sustainable future and makes the town work for the people who call it home. Find out more on how Gamuda Cove aims to prove its worth as a sustainable and smart city. • #GamudaLand #SincereResponsibleOriginal #GamudaCove #AreYouSMARTLikeCOVE #AreYouSMART #LowCarbonCity #SmartCity


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