What Happens When a Venomous Snake Bites Itself
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=YpftVLr-cHs
A tribute to Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain's Venom Snake. This video was based on various interpretations of the character found on the internet and, in short, views Venom Snake not just as Big Boss' stand-in, but also as a representation of his phantom values and virtues such as comradery and compassion, which Big Boss has arguably lost in his long struggle (he among other things deceives Kaz and appears to have no issue in letting Venom take the heat while he works in secrecy). In this way, Big Boss has truly become a villain and is not just a tragic hero. Venom Snake then mostly resembles Naked Snake in Metal Gear Solid 3; they are both used as pawns in a larger political game and are both left betrayed at the end (we know that Venom Snake gets killed by Solid Snake, who was sent by Big Boss). Also, at the end of Metal Gear Solid 4, Big Boss denounces most of his actions and seems to recognize he had become that which he fought against for so long (also check out my previous video that addresses this; • Where We're Going | The End of Metal ... ). • Anyways, I’m not arguing this is the best interpretation of Metal Gear Solid 5, but it’s just the interpretation I went with. Hope you enjoy. • Music used: • Audio parts from the movie trailer for Midnight Special • Becky Barksdale – Daylight Comes