Pet Squirrel


We found our pet Squirrel, who we named Whirligig, on the ground after he had fallen out of his Squirrel nest. He was such a tiny baby Squirrel that he fit into the palm of your hand. We fed our pet Squirrel with an eye dropper until he could feed himself. Animal Planet recently compiled a top ten list of the smartest animals on the planet, and the squirrel was on the list at #07. A link is provided below to see the complete list. Thanks for watching our Pet Squirrel video. It is legal to have a pet squirrel in the State in which we live. Check your own States wildlife laws to determine if it legal to have a pet squirrel. Pet squirrels make wonderful and entertaining members of the family. There is a great website for everything you need to know about having a pet squirrel........ ....Check out The Squirrel Board. Pet Squirrel. Link to the top ten smartest animals -


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