Shotokan Karate Follow Along Class Yoko Geri Kekomi
Our Membership ~ • Free Shotokan Ebook ~ • Shotokan Karate Kihon Training Yoko geri Kekomi • • Yoko Geri Kekomi Side Thrust Kick Advanced Training • Here is a more basic yoko geri kekomi kicking from kamae, where the body rotates as the knee lifts. • Stepping forward yoko geri kekomi from kamae. • 1. Left leg in front fighting stance • 2. Lift the right knee as high as possible to the front of the body, while keeping the back as straight as possible and the arms still. • 3. Make sure the knee is high as with mae geri. • 4. Pivot strongly on the left supporting leg and drive the right kicking leg directly forward. • 5. As the kicking leg drives forward start to switch the arm position to the opposite side. • 6. As the kick completes, drive the hip forward and pivot on the ball of the foot. • 7. Hitting the target with the edge of the foot. • 8. Make sure everything is aligned in a straight line. Foot, knee, hips, shoulder and head. • 9. Snap the kicking foot back vigorously, keeping the knee high. • 10. Step forward into a right fighting stance by pushing off the left supporting leg, do not just fall forward. • 11. repeat on the opposite leg.