How Freight Brokers Ask Shippers For The Business amp Close The Sale
How Freight Brokers Ask Shippers For The Business Close The Sale • A freight broker's ability to ask shippers for the business and close the sale will have more of an impact on his/her income, self confidence, future and way of life than any other factor as a freight broker. • New freight brokers tend to focus a lot of attention on selling their service... • As they should... • Sales is vital to the success of a freight broker business... • But it's just as important to plan how you intend to ask the shipper for the business and close the sale... • This could be the difference between a successful /unsuccessful freight brokerage business... • In today's freight broker training video Brandon will be discussing 7 closing techniques and dials in on the 2 closing techniques he uses to close shipper customers.... • Don't miss this video! • Want to learn more about the freight broker business? • Check out Brandon's free 5 video series titled How The Load Movement Process Works. • 1. Click Here... • 2. Wait for the scroll-down to appear • 3. Enter your name and email • 4. Click submit • 5. Check your email (spam/junk) for first video • Also, don't forget to check out my free freight broker training video How Freight Brokers Find Shippers • • Freight Broker Training : How Freight... • Freight broker tips and tricks just for you! • See you at the top because the bottom is much too crowded!