The Basic Cheer dance Steps


Full Playlist:    • How to Be a Cheerleader   • - • - • Like these Cheerleader Lessons !!! Check out the official app • • Get your Routine together with these Cheerleading Products! • Classic Cheerleading Megaphones: • Gold Plastic Cheerleading Megaphones Charms: • Chassé Girls' Cheer Weekender Backpack: • Alleson Cheerleading Rain Jacket: • Pom-Pom Assortment: • Cheer Flexibility Fitness Training Combo (Kinetic Bands Stunt Strap): • Watch more How to Be a Cheerleader videos: • • How to do the basic cheerleading jumps. • Cheerleaders do jumps to create excitement, get the crowd's attention, and to show athleticism. Knowing the basics of cheerleading jumps is important as you progress into harder jumps and to connect to link to your jumps. • The three jumps that we're going to go over right is now are the pencil jump, the touch up, and the spread eagle. We're going to start with the touch up. Five, six, seven, eight. On one you're going to go ahead and hit a high V. You're going to hold on two and on three you're going to swing your arms down and hit this position with your knees bent. On four, you're going to jump off the ground and hit a T position. On five, you're going to return to the ground with your knees bent and chest up. You're going to hold six, and on seven you're going to stand. And that's the pencil jump. • The next jump that we're going to do is the touch up. For this jump we're going to do the same exact approach. You're going to hit your high V on one, hold two, on three you're going to swing into this position, and on four you're going to hit that position right there. So this is a high V and you're going to bring your knees up to your chest. On five, you're going to return to the ground with your arms by your side, knees bent, and chest up. Hold six and stand on seven. That was the touch up. • The last jump that we're going to do is the spread eagle. We're going to hit a high V on one, hold two, on three we're going to hit this position, and on four we're going to make an X with our arms and our legs. So if Andrea's just standing on the ground, her arm's are in a high V and her knees are facing forward, and her toes are also going to be pointed in the jump position when she's off the ground. On five, she's going to snap her legs together, land in this position, and stand on seven. • So the three jumps that we did, once again, were the pencil jump. We did the touch up and the spread eagle. And those are the basic cheerleading jumps.


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