Demigods Inside Indias Transgender Community
Demigods: June is Pride month across the world. In India, Hijras are an officially recognised third gender. Despite this, the transgender community still face untold levels of discrimination and persecution. • Subscribe to Journeyman here: • “Hijra is a culture. It is a tradition and a community that has its roots in ancient times. Transgender is more like an identity,” says Manpreet, a volunteer at the Pahal Foundation. The New Delhi-based organisation looks out for the transgender community, who face danger on a daily basis. This is in spite of Hijras holding a historical precedent in Hindu culture. “Clients sometimes threaten to shoot me if I don’t go through with it,” says Alisha, while others report of gang harassment and police coercion. “Then it starts: oh homo, gay, you know, all those names which are used to completely take away my dignity and to take away my whole human existence,” says Laxmi. The fiesta-like Pride celebrations offer the community a brief reprieve from their troubles. • For more information, visit • Like us on Facebook: / journeymanpictures • Follow us on Twitter: • / journeymannews • / journeymanvod • Follow us on Instagram: / journeymanpictures • Visit our subreddit: / journeymanpictures • Say hi on tumblr: / journeymanpictures • Stig Junes – Ref. 7620