How Does a Glacier Shape the Landscape


How Does a Glacier Shape the Landscape? is part of the Glaciology In a Minute series. Definitions of some key words used can be found below. • This video describes what happens to the debris that is made from the glacier eroding the landscape. Transport of debris is explored (Supraglacial, Englacial and Subglacial) and depositional features such as Moraines and Erratics. • This video was produced by Robert Jones and Bethany Hudd graduates from the University of St Andrews for the GeoBus project. If you are interested in the Geology In A Minute series, why not subscribe to our channel? You can also follow us on twitter (@GeoBus_StA) and facebook (GeoBus St Andrews)! • Definitions: • Supraglacial Transport - debris is transported on the surface of the glacier. • Englacial Transport - debris is transported within the ice itself. • Subglacial Transport - debris is transported at the base of the glacier. • Till - the debris and rocks picked up by a glacier. • Terminal Moraine - a mound of till deposited by a glacier at the front of the glacier. • Lateral Moraine - a mound of till deposited by a glacier at the sides of the glacier. • Erratics - stones/boulders which are carried by a glacier far from their origin and deposited on the ground. • References: • Picture at start - • Picture of erratics -


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