The M2 Bradley is an outstanding armored vehicle
Use code TASK25 for 25% off your first order - • BEA System's M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle has a lot of detractors that like to knock on the vehicle and claim it’s a complete piece of garbage. If you look closely a lot of that criticism is completely fabricated facts that come from a 1998 Hollywood movie called the “Pentagon Wars” which was hilarious but largely false. • Illustrations courtesy of the Tank Encyclopedia, made by David Bocquelet. • • Join our Discord Channel! / discord • The first version of the Bradley came out in 1981 in direct response to the soviet creation of the BMP. They thought about copying the soviet idea but instead chose to create a new doctrine. They imagined a vehicle that could fight alongside the M1 Abrahams. It would help locate enemy targets and then it would drop ramp, infantry would run out and help pin the enemy in that location. The highly maneuverable fast Bradley is an integral part of heavy armored brigades because without them the M1 Abrahams would have less situational awareness and be far more vulnerable to being flanked. • #MILITARY #ARMOR #VEHICLE • The American forces had the next generation Bradley's with thermal sights and a better communications network. This allowed them to coordinate between each other and focus fire on one enemy vehicle at a time. • Follow the Host: / cappyarmy • Inquires: [email protected] • New Channel: • T P: 1st Squad • / taskpurpose1stsquad