Hydrogen Peroxide in Orchid Care STOP Youre Doing More Harm Than Good

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Hydrogen Peroxide has been used to clean orchids for a long time. It is known that hydrogen peroxide foams, bringing dirt and microbes to the surface, that is why it is used at home for minor cuts and wounds. Yet, have you ever thought that hydrogen peroxide could be harming your orchid? • Does Hydrogen Peroxide harm the orchid? Although Hydrogen Peroxide does have antimicrobial properties, it is not recommended for orchid care. The oxidizing properties of Hydrogen Peroxide on your orchid roots will burn and destroy the healthy velamen that protects the roots, hindering their absorption characteristics. Instead of only hindering bacteria, Hydrogen Peroxide also hinders healthy orchid growth. • To understand how hydrogen peroxide reacts with your orchid, you need to comprehend its chemical structure and reactions. I'm not a chemist and so this explanation will be simple and straightforward, getting to the point of where it matters: your orchids. • Hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. The unstable bond that holds the two hydrogen molecules and the two oxygen molecules is extremely weak and reacts by oxidation with almost everything it encounters. This reaction can produce two free elements of oxygen bonded to hydrogen (OH). • Since both of these elements are gases, the result is idealized in orchid care—a way to promote air circulations in places where air was previously denied, like roots. • A hopeful yet wrong assumption that hydrogen peroxide will somehow ventilate a dying orchid has become the new fad of orchid care. As a way to provide more gas exchange to places that have been waterlogged, hydrogen peroxide is applied to black, soggy, mushy, and dead roots. • Most people who advocate in using hydrogen peroxide will use it on roots that suffer from root rot, or will use it after cleaning out the old medium before a repot. It would be a good idea, if (and only if) that was the only reaction that hydrogen peroxide goes through. • • Hydrogen peroxide can also result in another chemical reaction, forming one free oxygen and water (H20). The end result is water...more water. In this sense, to use hydrogen peroxide on a soaking root that has too much water already, would be to provide it with more water. Giving your drowning orchid a drink does not help it. The one free Oxygen element has little effect on the bacteria-infected roots. • • If you want the full explanation of this video in writing, go to https://orchideria.com/hydrogen-perox... • On Orchideria.com, you can find more in-depth guides and all the access to our information, tutorials, guides, and much more... all for free! • Happy Cultivating! • ______________________ • HASHTAGS: • #orchidcare #orchid #Orchideria #AmandaMatthews • _______________________ • SOCIAL MEDIA: • Website: https://orchideria.com • Facebook:   / orchideria.orchid.terrariums   • Instagram (Orchideria):   / orchideria.orchid.terrariums   • Instagram (Amanda Matthews - personal):   / amanda_june_matthews   • Pinterest:   / orchideria   • ________________ • DISCLAIMER: • This YouTube Channel is the by-product of extensive research on how to recreate that environment inside my home. • By no means do I consider myself an expert but I'm an avid learner and willing to share the little I know with others. There are thousands of different ways to care for orchids, and the more we share, the more we learn. • What started out as a hobby has now grown into a passion, producing an online resource of quality information on how to connect with nature. • If you'd like to see the uncommon story of my life and how I ended up overseas in the first place, check out my memoir on Amazon, Shattered Sanctuary. • ( https://amzn.to/3oFnt99 ) • _______ • About Affiliate Links: • Orchideria.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies, with no extra cost to you. By clicking on the link provided in the description or comments, I earn an extra cup of coffee.


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