Join Momo and our guest panelists for another livestream where we talk about current issues from a Pakistani atheist's perspective. This week we are asking how atheists cope with difficulties and sense of loss in life? Many see religion as a way to cope with our mortality, and other disappointments. The central concepts of a religion of God answering our prayers, or ultimate justice in an afterlife can provide comfort in times of loss. What happens when we don't believe? Can a sense of community and rationality give us comfort instead? Is comfort of any benefit if it is built on what we know to be a lie? Momo and our guest panelists explore this topic and more. • 0:00:00 Start of stream and introduction of the day’s topic • 0: 7:45 God is Castrated (Why was the Quran sent in Arabic, a yet immature language) • 0: 23:22 Phatu Bhai (Politics and mismanagement of resources in Pakistan and USA) • 0:45:48 Spiritual Embassy (Why do you go to your father’s grave if you are an atheist?) • 1:04:21 Farhan Khan (The reasons for the decline of religion) • 1:15:05 Indian (Did Donald Trump win because of racism in America) • 1:30:58 Dollar King (Jai Sabzi Sandwich) • 1:34:35 Farooq Farooq (Khaliq ko to aap ko maana hee hoga) • 1:54:30 Naveed Afzal (What about the Fine Tuning of the Universe) • 2:24:03 Momo (Is Sadaqa an attempt to bribe Allah) • 2:35:11 God Reality (GR’s grandmother and suffering ends at death) • 2:54:05 Ex-Muslim Farman Ali (Archive of Videos and a book) • 3:00:00 Saif (couldn’t correct) • 3:00:40 Rebel (You have to be self-reliant because god doesn’t really help people) • 3:12:51 Seatime (I left atheism because I needed to know the meaning of life) • 3:29:11 Rebel (You don’t have to know into much about religion to know that it is false) • 3:42:50 Shazib King (Hard to find community and fellowship as an atheist) • 3:54:09 Saif Ahmad (My child and music gives me a feeling of peace in difficult times) • 4:09:29 Ali Shah (VPN has now Haram in Pakistan) • 4:35:51 Ghalib Kamal joins and group discussion on causes of smog in Pakistan • 4:58:31 Ali (Sialkot case of a mentally ill mother-in-law who killed a pregnant woman) • 5:10:00 Closing Remarks • Books we spoke about during the stream: • The Phantom God by John Wathey • A video discussing the Fine Tuning Argument with Substantia Nigra: • • KIA FINE-TUNING ARGUMENT SAI INTELLIG... • #hajimastali #ghalibkamal #nonconformist #atheism #mulhid #urdu