Grand Design XLS 17MKE Travel Trailer Unbiased RV Review
This video is a COMPLETELY UNBIASED RV REVIEW of the 2021 Grand Design Imagine XLS 17MKE. This is a very popular trailer and we had a hard time finding one to review. So when we saw this one we jumped at the chance to check it out. So sorry we missed including the PRICE. It is $37,000 CAN$. • We loved the size of the Imagine XLS 17MKE. Not too big and not too small. We couldn't get enough of the amount of counter top space in the kitchen and the versatile Murphy Bed made it so roomy. We wished it had a dinette (which you can get) but it would still only sleep 3. We also did not like that there wasn't enough sleeping space unless you opened the slide. • The 17MKE would be great for RV Sometimers but could also easily be used by full timers, snowbirds, or weekender/vacationers. It was really versatile. It really is only suited for a couple or solo traveller though, there just isn't enough sleeping space for a family with more than 1 child. • 🙏 Did You Like This Video? You can leave us a tip by buying us a coffee! • • Looking For Something Specific? • 0:00 DSM! • Exterior: 02:15 • Putting The Murphy Bed Up: 10:31 • Dining Area: 12:30 • Kitchen: 14:19 • Bathroom: 20:11 • Slides In: 23:15 • The Numbers: 25:11 • • 💰Currency Converter: • • • 📚The Best RV Research Source: • • • ➡️Our Top Picks: • 1. Bike Rack: • 2. Sony 4K HD Action Cam: • 3. Webber BBQ: • • 🏕Camping Discounts: • • • 📸Our Camera Gear: • • • 🚌Boondocking Reservations: • • • 🌟Our Social Media: • • / doessizematter • / doessizematter • We saw and reviewed the 2021 @GrandDesignRVTV Imagine XLS 17MKE @TravelandRVSupercentre in Langley, BC in Sept 2020. You can check it out here: • • ▶︎ DISCLAIMER: • • As you know, we are completely unbiased, so we are not affiliated with any RV manufacturer or dealership in the making of our videos. In order to help us keep making these videos we encourage you to check out our links to products and services we recommend and use. We thank you for anything you choose to click on or purchase as we will make a few dollars from your support at no added cost to you. • • ©️ Does Size Matter and All Rights Reserved. • • *This channel is for entertainment purposes only. We are not RV experts and are not making recommendations. We share our opinions based on what works for us and how we use an RV, but you should do your own research and make your own decisions. • #10KSUBSCRIBERS #RVSOMETIMERS #DOESSIZEMATTER #RVREVIEWS2021 #BOONDOCKERSWELCOME #2021TRAVELTRAILERREVIEW #RVFULLTIMERS #UNBIASEDREVIEW #RVLIFESTYLE2020