Two men arrested for murder Ryan al Najjar 18 OnderzoekEerwraak
Every day a new story about honour killing. Source: Together with her parents, siblings, Ryan al Najjar fled from Idlib, Syria, to Turkey in 2012 because of the war, where they lived in a refugee camp for two years. One of the sons then fled to the Netherlands, where the family was reunited after a year. They were given a house in the Frisian town of Joure and said they were very happy with their new life. Ryan al Najjar was 11 years old at the time and attended elementary school in Joure. On the morning of May 28, 2024, the body of 18-year-old Ryan al Najjar was found in the water on the Knardijk in Lelystad. She died as a result of a crime. On June 3, police arrested two men for involvement in the crime that was committed and led to the death of this young woman. Strong rumors are circulating in Joure that it could be an honor killing. Father Khaled (52) reportedly rushed out of the Netherlands after the murder, presumably to Turkey, where he told relatives what he had done and where to find his daughter's body. • — • We investigate honor killings, register cases, collaborate with experts and support whistleblowers in honor killing cover-ups. • — • Our investigations: • Indian state introduces new rules to prevent honour killings: • Missing Sawsan Mhamdi from Reuver found dead in Germany: husband arrested: • Insult case after honor killing before Supreme Court: • Shella was slaughtered in front of her children by her ex-boyfriend: • 25-year-old woman killed by her boyfriend in Nagold: • Honor killing in Jhelum: Rugalya Bibi (18) was set on fire by her parents: • Honor killing in Basti: Ankit Gautam (19) was killed by his girlfriend's brothers: • A woman in Kashan was killed by her husband for asking for a divorce: • — • Instagram: / investigatehonorkilling • LinkedIn: / ralphgeissen • Twitter: / honour_killing • Pinterest: / investigatehonorkilling • Facebook: / investigatehonorkilling • Website: • — • EN: @HonourKilling • DE: @Ehrenmord • FR: @CrimedHonneur • NL: @OnderzoekEerwraak • PT: @Crimedehonra • NL: @OnderzoekEerwraak • ES: @Crimendehonor • PL: Zabójstwo honorowe • RU: @убийствочести • — • #honourkilling #investigation #honour #femicide