>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZFiAh62I4rw
Video game lovers, movies lovers, fans of Tom Holland - this is the movie for you! After about a decade of planning, the adventure movie following Nathan Drake is here and the process to make it a reality was far from easy. Before even getting off its feet, the movie went through seven different directors! • One of the best parts of the film is the special bromance between Mark Wahlberg and Tom Holland - but just because they liked each other didn’t mean they were easy on their co-stars! Holland doubled down on his work, training like a machine in the five-month break when the production was shut down because of the pandemic. The actor gained a huge amount of muscle mass so he didn’t look like such a kid next to the intensely buff Wahlberg. • Training wasn’t all he did - Holland got to work mixing drinks behind a real bar to practice his moves for the film so he could really flair and bartend. On the set he took it one step further - Holland was making drinks with real alcohol in them and was sending them out to different crew members. The party didn’t stop when they wrapped - Holland managed to pull off a spontaneous Friday night party right on set! • It wasn’t all fun and games - the stunts in this movie left Holland seriously battered and bruised - and with tendinitis in a hamstring. The injuries and toll it took on his body were so intense that the actor had to ask for a weekend off so he could rest! • Why do all the stunts look so good? Probably because they were shot practically and Holland got as close as a person actually can to tumbling out of an airplane safely! This is just the tip of the iceberg of all the work and planning that went into bringing Uncharted to the big screen but luckily, all of it paid off. • • Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Things • Chapters: • 00:00 Intro • 00:15 The Bromance • 00:51 Improv Moments • 01:23 Going To Work • 01:37 Party on Set • 02:09 Underwater Madness • 02:34 The Plane Sequence • 03:01 The Car • 03:37 Stunt Struggles • 04:02 Sword Play • 04:23 Serious Injuries • 04:54 A Typical Day • 05:15 Taking a Break • 05:33 Struggles of a Cool Guy • 05:52 Bad Acting • 06:12 The Music • 06:39 Impressive Workout • 06:52 Bulking Inspo • 07:18 The Sony World • 07:48 Carousel of Directors • 08:08 Covid Delays • 08:24 Outro • • Our Social Media: • Facebook: / thethingscom • For more videos and articles visit: • https://www.thethings.com • Written by: Thalia GK • Narrated by: Serena L • Edited by: Joaquín Rodríguez Carvalho • • For copyright matters please contact us at: [email protected]