Many Worlds in One Alex Vilenkin


In this talk Professor Vilenkin discusses what the universe looks like very far away from our galaxy, in regions so remote that they cannot be observed directly. There is a limit of how far we can see into the universe and this is set by the distance the light has travelled since the Big Bang (about 14 billion light years). More remote objects cannot be seen simply because light haven't yet reached us. And the question is: what lies beyond this cosmic horizon? • Until relatively recently cosmologists believed that the answer to this question is very simple -- these regions are more or less the same as observed part of the universe. Nevertheless, recent development in cosmology and in particle physics have led to address a revision of this view.Professor Vilenkin claims -- basing on the theory of cosmicinflation (Alan Guth, Andrei Linde) -- that remote regions beyond our horizon are strikingly different from what we observe here.They may even obey different laws of physics. Moreover, he claims that inflation ended in our local region, but it still continues in distant parts of the universe, i.e. the inflation is eternal. • You may like to see: •


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