Silverfish Mining Is Cooler With Command Blocks
Silverfish mining in Minecraft is super cool! However in survival it is a lot harder and needs a bit too many potions. So with a little bit of command blocks, we got ourselves a super satisfying mining machine that some will say or asmr..., even though it hurts my ears lol. I remember doing something similar many years ago but now with the infested potion, it makes everything easier, even though I did not use it lol. • Please Subscribe for more dumb videos! • The Command: • repeat: /execute as @e[type=minecraft:silverfish] at @s unless entity @s[nbt={active_effects:[{id: minecraft:poison }]}] run effect give @s minecraft:regeneration 100 2 true • chain: /execute as @e[type=minecraft:silverfish] at @s unless entity @s[nbt={active_effects:[{id: minecraft:poison }]}] run data merge entity @s {Silent:1b} • chain: /execute as @e[type=minecraft:silverfish] at @s unless entity @s[nbt={active_effects:[{id: minecraft:poison }]}] run effect give @s minecraft:poison 100 1 true • Other extra command: execute as @e[type=minecraft:silverfish] at @s if block ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:andesite run setblock ~ ~-1 ~ stone • Become A Member - / @vivtorsing • My Discord - / discord • Thanks for watching