Om Mani Padme Hum mantra meaning and explanation of all 6 syllables
OM MANI PADME HUM is a Tibetan Buddhist mantra . • there are 6 syllables in mantra . Each mantra explains different meaning . • Each mantra denotes by different color . • • • The six syllables om mani padme hum means that in dependence on the practice which is an indivisible union of method and wisdom, • You can transform your impure body ,speech and mind into the pure body,speech and mind of a Buddha. • _ Dalai lama • • OM purifies EGO • MA purifies JEALOUSY • NI purifies PASSION • PAD purifies IGNORANCE • ME purifies GREED • HUM purifies HATRED • • to watch suryanamaskar mantra meaning and aasna • • Suryanamaskar Steps, Mantra, Meaning... • to learn meditation and its meaning • • Meditation : learning best for beginners • thank you