DIY Mini Marsh Waterfalls AllInOne Floating Terrarium
I make a lot of projects that take up a decent amount of space, but something like this table top waterfall would be perfect for just about any location. It also didn't cost very much. Collectively it was probably only around $50 USD. • Like I said in the video I wanted to keep this one simple and minimal. Long-term it will of course fill in and look fuller, but the vision is for it to remain clean. • As promised here's the material and plant list. I linked up what made sense, but the others are on you. Also everything other than the Bucephalandra I sourced from my backyard. • Material List: • Organizer Tray - (Affiliate Link*) • Mini Pump - (Affiliate Link*) • Slate Stone • Manzanita Driftwood • Superglue - (Affiliate Link*) • *I receive compensation for affiliate link clicks. • Plant List: • Marchantia polymorpha (Liverwort) • Plagiomnium insigne (Badge Moss) • Sphagnum Moss • Bucephalandra 'Wavy Green' • If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, leave them down in the comments! Also for additional content like this, photos of my projects, updates and more, then be sure to follow me on Instagram @serpadesign. • / serpadesign • #waterfall #paludarium #serpadesign