விரால் மீன் வளர்ப்பு murrel fish farming

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HELLO MY DEAR FARMERS. • எல்லாரும் எப்படி இருக்கீங்க எல்லாரும் நல்ல • இருப்பீங்கனு நினைக்கிறன் . • • murrel seller detail https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/... • Freshwater aquaculture is an economy generating and rural development tool. Murrel is considered to be the most economical freshwater fish species which can be cultured. They belong to the family “Channidae” and is also called as snake-head fish. Murrel is one of the indigenous air breathing fish; there is a suprabranchial accessory respiratory organ in the murrel head. It can even survive in lower dissolved oxygen levels. This fish is identified by its dark brown colour with light black stripes over the body. • Murrel fish is one of the popular freshwater and tasty fish in India. The fish has a lot of regional preferences. While it is the State fish of Telangana, people prefer murrel over any other fishes in many States like Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana and Bihar and North Eastern Region. Andhra Pradesh is the second largest fish farming region in the country with 0.8 million hectares of inland water bodies producing 1.24 MT annually. Murrel is predatory inhabit and feed on variety of fauna present in the water. However, the high demand and high market value and their capacity to withstand in adverse weather conditions make them suitable candidate species for aquaculture. The most important aquaculture species of murrel in India is the striped murrel (Channa striatus), the great snakehead murrel (Channa marulius) and the spotted snakehead (Channa punctatus). The culture technology is standardized for striped murrel. Murrel has high demand and high market value in India. It has a huge potential for murrel culture in freshwater areas when it is cultured with best management practises. • • #techuzhavan #murrelfish #fishfarming • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • IMPORTANT : THIS VIDEO IS ONLY FOR EDUCATONAL PURPOSE PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH BEFORE INVOLVING ANY ACTIVITIES • ______________________________________________________________ • • Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. • • I spended lot of time to create this channel some of the footages are collected from various sources that belongs to their respective owners if the owners feel your • footages are misused PLEASE dont give copyright strike raise copyright claim i am happy to give my revenue to you and before making any decision contact me via social media or email. I don' t care about money my only motive is rural entrepreneurship and agriculture development • • For copyright issues • contact : [email protected] • _________________________________________ • follow us for updates • instagram:   / tech_uzhavan   • facebook:   / techuzhavan   • twitter :   / techuzhavan   • ___________________________________ • SOME OF THE FOOTAGES USED IN THIS VIDEO IS UNDER • CC LICENSE https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... • footage credits : https://search.creativecommons.org/ • Intro and music credits goes to respective owners • music 🎶🎵 • FROM BREAKING COPYRIGHT • Ambient Music (No Copyright) Art Of Silence by Uniq • 'Life In Silico' [Uplifting Cheerful Orchestra CC-BY] - Scott Buckley • breaking copyright channel :    / breakingthecopyright   • scott buckly channel :    / musicbyscottb   • உழுவோம உயர்வோம்_______ • நன்றி


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