Urinary Tract Infection Causes

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learn about URINARY TRACT INFECTION SYMPTOMS IN MEN. • To buy apol chairs in Singapore ( the one I’m sitting on ) Click on this link — https://apol.sg?aff=74 • Checkout these products below • Urine test strips - https://amzn.to/3xincy3 • Cranberry supplement - https://amzn.to/36c1AYi • Visit our clinic website: • https://www.vitacare-clinic.com • and our facebook @vitacarefamily • Visit our health and wellness website: • https://fitivate.com • and facebook @feelfitivated • Urinary tract infection in men is also caused by organisms such as bacteria. • What are the risk factors for men getting it? • What are the symptoms? • Whats the difference between UTI in men and UTI in women? • Should you see a doctor if you have symptoms of male UTI? • Now the urinary system in men is very much the same as the female except for 2 differences. • The upper urinary system is made up of the kidneys and ureters. • The lower urinary system is made up of the bladder, prostate and urethra. • The 2 biggest differences of the male urinary system from the female’s are • 1) In males, we have this walnut sized organ called the prostate just below the bladder and • 2) the urethra that brings the urine from the bladder out of the body is much longer in the male due to the presence of the penis. • Like I’ve shared with you in the other video on female UTI, it is very common for ladies to have urinary tract infection and it is usually not very worrying. • On the other hand however, it is uncommon for younger men to have a UTI, simply because the urethra is longer and that is a form of natural protection against bacteria climbing up the urinary system. • In fact it’s estimated that women are at a 30 times higher risk of getting UTI than men. • Therefore whenever I see a male patient with first onset UTI in my practise , I almost always refer the patient to the Urologist for further investigations and scans to find out the underlying cause. • Some of the causes of male urinary tract infection includes • 1) prostate enlargement ( either by Benign prostate hyperplasia or prostate cancer ) • 2) urethra tightening - that could be due to previous surgeries or scopes or infections • 3) Recent instrumentation - meaning medical instruments has been inserted into the urinary tract such as a urine catheter or a scope • 4) Urinary stones • 5) Sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia or gonorrhoea • 6) Poor immune system due to diabetes or HIV • As a guide, the top cause of urinary tract infection in men above 50 is benign prostate hyperplasia whereas the top cause of Urinary tract infection in men below 50 is usually sexually transmitted disease. • Men with lower urinary tract infection may present with symptoms of • 1) burning sensation during urination • 2) increased urgency to urinate • 3) frequent sensation of needing to pass urine • 4) cloudy smelly urine • 5) blood in urine • 6) pain in the lower abdominal area • 7) penile discharge • And if this infection spreads upwards to the urinary system, it can lead to an upper urinary tract infection. • The patient can have additional symptoms of • fever and chills • pain in the upper back and sides • nausea and vomiting • extreme feeling of unwell. • Male Urinary tract infection must be properly investigated and treated. In addition, the underlying cause of the infection must be sought out. • Some of the initial physical examinations and investigations I would do in my clinic includes • 1) a digital prostate examination : so based on the feel and size of the prostate, we can make an educated guess if this patient has prostate infection or if the prostate is enlarged. • In certain situations, we may even be able to detect a prostate cancer. • 2) Urine dipstick : these are very convenient tests that can be done in the clinic with results obtained within 5-10 minutes. This allows me to confirm the diagnosis of urinary tract infection on the spot. • 3) Urine formed element microscopic examination or UFEME for short and urine cultures. • These tests are done and sent to the laboratory for visual confirmation of the urine infection and for identification of the bacteria that is causing the infection. • 4) Urine PCR ( polymerase chain reaction ) to detect sexually transmitted bacteria like chlamydia and gonorrhoea. • These bacterias cannot be grown on urine cultures and a PCR test is needed to identify them. • Following which I would definitely start the patient on the appropriate antibiotics before I refer them to Urologists for further investigations. • If you are a guy and you do have symptoms of UTI, please see your doctor as soon as possible to have it investigated and treated. • 0:00 introduction • 0:44 Urinary system in men • 1:57 Causes of Male UTI • 2:43 Symptoms of Male UTI • 3:19 Investigation and physical examination • #UTI #urinarytractinfection #UTImen #SgDrWellness #Vitacarefamily #Fitivate #CSKaesthetics #DrChenYiming #Singaporedoctor #Youtube #Singaporeclinic #Familymedicine #Healthiswealth #preventionisbetterthancure #Singaporeproduction #Singapore


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