How to Safely Lift Box With Handles
It’s estimated that one of every five workplace injuries is back related. And many of those back injuries are caused by improper lifting. When lifting is unavoidable, there are ways to correctly perform the task. Here’s how to safely lift a box with handles. • • Stand in front of the load and spread your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. • • Keep your back straight in a neutral position, push your backside out and use your legs and hips to lower yourself down to the object. Bend your knees to at least a 100-degree angle. • • Look forward, then lift straight up with your legs, rotating at the hips and keeping your back straight throughout the maneuver. • Proper lifting techniques can help prevent downtime due to avoidable back injuries. With some practice and frequent reminders, these techniques can become daily habits. Visit to learn more safe lifting techniques.