Aircraft with a capsule to save passengers cargo during catastrophe
Previous invention: • Airplane safety system/Plane with a ... • Aircraft with a detachable cabin • “Life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value, to which all other values are subordinate” • Albert Einstein • “He, who saves a single soul, saves a whole world” • Confucius • According to ICAO, over the past 10 years there are 8 % of all accidents happen during takeoff, landing – 21 %, cruising flights – 71 %. • The analysis of causes of accidents shows that 75% of them happen because of human factor, other - because of omission of aeromechanics. • To reduce the influence of human factor by rising up safety of airplanes is impossible. The new principles of aircraft construction are needed - possibility of collective rescuing by evacuation of them from crashing airplane in the range from several hundreds of meters to several kilometers. • In patents #88319(19) UA and #144783 RU owned by Tatarenko Vladimir Nikolaevich such aircraft construction is offered, which provides separation of the lower part of the fuselage with situated there passengers and their luggage, gradual decline of separated part and its soft landing (splashdown), afterwards providing an opportunity for its searching and finding by rescuers. • The guaranty of success of offered airplane structure is in the fact that outlined in patents structure solutions are based on life-long checked technical solutions of landing in military transport aviation. • The existing technology of using of Kevlar and carbon composites for fuselage, wings, flaps, spoilers, ailerons, tail will be used during the design. • It allows to partly compensate the weight of parachute system. • Preliminary calculations show that the weight of the aircraft will increase slightly. • But you will fly without fear for yourself and your family! • In which airplane will you let your relatives be? • In ordinary and inexpensive – no chance for salvation! • Or in offered one with the ticket price of 15% more but with a chance for salvation! • The questionnaire showed, that 95% of people would buy more expensive ticket. • Everyone who are interested in investing in the project of aircraft building, or who have other business offers, we ask to contact the author: • Tatarenko Vladimir, • tel: +38(044)2364656, +38(068)3516089 • e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] • Kiev, Ukraine