Bugliosi Is A CT part 1 of 2

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ4UgPBS4RA

Part II •    • Bugliosi Is A CT (part 2 of 2)   • • NEW RULES From this point forward I will only approve comments that address the main points of the video. Bugliosi's contradictory statements about conspiracies, the possibility of high level conspiracies, and whether it is possible to keep them a secret. The subject is Bugliosi. • • Since Bugliosi is the man of the hour , as far as WC apologists go, I thought I would post a little background about him. I haven't heard much on the net about this issue and absolutely nothing in the mainstream media, although that doesn't surprise me. • • Even though Posner, according to mainstream reporters and even Bugliosi, ignores or distorts situations that don't agree with his conclusions Posner got an entire issue of U.S. News World Report devoted to his book in 1993, along with hours of interview time on television. I guess the press is similarly unconcerned with a flip-flopper, as well as a fact-distorter, as long as they serve to support the WC. • • I have no way of knowing for sure whether or not more than one gun was fired at the [RFK] assassination scene. And I have formed no opinion at this point. What I will say is this: the signed statements given me perhaps can be explained away; but in the absence of a logical explanation, these statements, by simple arithmetic, add up to too many bullets and therefore, the probability of a second gun. -Vincent Bugliosi 1978 • • In the above statement Bugliosi is essentially saying that there was probably a conspiracy involved in the assassination of Robert Kennedy. He said during the KCOP trial that he presented more evidence that there was a conspiracy than the prosecution argued against one. So all of his talk about if there was one or I've formed no opinion is ridiculous. He felt so strongly about it that he wanted to reopen the investigation. He entertained ideas of a high level conspiracy. Bugliosi has some serious credibility issues, to say the least. • • Here's a link to articles and essays on Reclaiming History , some by long time researchers of the case (thanks Pat Speer): • http://www.reclaiminghistory.org/ • • An interesting article about the Turner/Christian book that probably wouldn't have been written without Bugliosi's recommendation!: • http://www.ctka.net/turner-christian.... • • And Pat Speer's blog: • http://www.patspeer.com/reclaiminghis... • • • Here are links to more of the Hardball segment: • http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=e... • • http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=e... • • And a transcript: • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18941406/


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