Aranda Briones What Happened To Aranda


I am trying to bring awareness to the Aranda Briones case. Aranda Briones has been missing from Moreno Valley California since January 13th and although she is believed to have been murdered, her body has not been located. If you have any information about Aranda’s location, please call Moreno Valley Police Department at (951)486-6700 or the anonymous tip line at (951) 247-8700. The Shover brothers have plead not guilty and will appear in court again on March 28th. Her family has set up a Gofundme account to raise money for her when she gets home so she can havea proper burial. If you can find it in your heart and you have the money to donate to her family, i'm sure it would be greatly appreciated. The link is . My hope is that Aranda is found soon and she gets justice. Thank you for taking your time to watch the video and read this. Let’s get justice for Aranda Briones. ❤️


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