Chicago Odyssey vol1Part2


Purchase a DVD at -- • Where else in the U.S. can one find so much railroad action but in Chicago...especially in the 50's and 60's! • World respected rail photographer Emery Gulash began capturing prolific amounts of action in and near the Chicago area from the early 50's. • There are 15 railroads portrayed in Volume 1 such as: Santa Fe, CB Q, Northern Pacific, Great Northern, Chicago Northwestern Indiana, Milwaukee Road, Rock Island, North Shore, Grand Trunk, GM O, Illinois Central, Monon, Norfolk Western, C EI, and C O. • In the mid-fifties, to be a rail-fan in Chicago, there was no limit to the majestic views of railroads, Exotic first generation diesels, sparkling consists of the new streamlined passenger trains, well maintained track-work...these were all the things that truly excited the rail-fan of that time...and Emery Gulash was no exception. • Filmed in crisp, bright 16mm color, witness the end of steam on a few roads and the birth of the diesel as the mainstay of power for freight and passenger. • If there ever was a documentary of rail action in and around Chicago, this has to be it! Typical incredible Gulash photography, coupled with the Frog's fast paced editing make this Volume 1 a collectors item you've just got to have! • Approx. Running Time 2 hours • TWO-DISC SET • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: Behind The Scenes at Green Frog •    • Behind the Scenes at Green Frog   • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~


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